Penelope Farmer

De Wikipedia

Penelope Farmer es un autoressa de Grand Britania qui es conosset pro su libres por infantes. Ella nascet li 14-im de junio 1939 in Westerham in li Comtia Kent in Anglia.

Personal vive[modificar | redacter fonte]

Ella nascet quam filia de Hugh Robert MacDonald e Penelope Boothby Farmer e have un plu old gemelle-sestra. Pos ella hat finit un privat scole Penelope Farmer studiat historie in Oxford (Reyatu Unit). Ella finit su studie in li annu 1960. Pos to ella studiat social scienties in li Bedford College in London. Ella recivet su diploma in li annu 1962. Inter 1961 e 1963 ella laborat quam instructora in London.

Ella ha du infantes ex su unesim maritage. In li annu 1984 ella maritat denov. Hodie ella habitat alternant in London e sir li insules de Canarias.

Ovres[modificar | redacter fonte]

Ella publicat in li annu 1960 su unesim libre The China People (Li China homes), un colection de fabulatri curt racontas por infantes. In li annu 1962 esset publicat li infant-libre The Summer Birds (Li estive-avies) in quel por li unesim vez su famosi carácteres li sestras Emma Makepeace e Charlotte Makepeace aparit. Li max conosset libre de Penelope Farmer es li libre Charlotte Sometimes (Charlotte quelcvez), qual esset publicat in li annu 1969 e es un continuation del libre The Summer Birds. Un motiv pro to es que li anglesi music-gruppe The Cure publicat un canzon Charlotte Sometimes in li annu 1981 in quel li libre de Penelope Farmer es citat.

Li libres de Penelope Farmer have sovente mitologic e fantastic elementes.

Bibliografie[modificar | redacter fonte]

  • The China People (1960)
  • The Summer Birds (1962)
  • Magic Stone (1964)
  • Emma in Winter (1966)
  • Sea Gull (1966)
  • Charlotte Sometimes (1969)
  • Serpent's Teeth: The Story of Cadmus (1971)
  • Daedalus and Icarus (1971)
  • Story of Persephone (1972)
  • A Castle of Bone (1972)
  • William and Mary (1974)
  • August the Fourth (1975)
  • Heracles (1975)
  • Year King (1977)
  • Beginnings: Creation Myths of the World (1978)
  • Standing in the Shadow (1984)
  • Away from Home (1987)
  • Eve: Her Story (1988)
  • Glasshouses (1989)
  • Snakes and Ladders (1993)
  • Thicker Than Water (1993)
  • Two, or: The Book of Twins and Doubles (1996)
  • Penelope: A Novel (1996)
  • Sisters: An Anthology (1999)
  • Virago Book of Grandmothers (2000)