Island Games

Li Island Games es un mult-sport event, quel eveni omni du annus desde 1985. Li event es organisat del International Island Games Association (IIGA).
Liste del Ludes
[modificar | redacter fonte]Annu | Loc | Sportartes |
1985 | Isle of Man | 7 |
1987 | Guernsey | 9 |
1989 | Färoer | 11 |
1991 | Åland | 13 |
1993 | Isle of Wight | 14 |
1995 | Gibraltar | 14 |
1997 | Jersey | 14 |
1999 | Gotland | 14 |
2001 | Isle of Man | 15 |
2003 | Guernsey | 16 |
2005 | Shetland Insules | 15 |
2007 | Rhodos | 15 |
2009 | Åland | 15 |
2011 | Isle of Wight | 15 |
2013 | Bermuda | 15 |
2015 | Jersey | 14 |
2017 | Gotland | 14 |
2019 | Gibraltar | 14 |
2021 | Guernsey |
[modificar | redacter fonte]Post-marcas de Färoer por li Island Games 1989: