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Welcome! Benevenit
[redacter fonte]Welcome or benevenit to the Interlingue Wikipedia!
Maybe you don't speak Interlingue, but you will certainly understand it without ever learning it! And if you feel like giving it a try, Interlingue for Beginners written in 1966 is probably the easiest place to start.
[redacter fonte]Infinitives: End in -r. Ex.: finir (finish), amar (love), dever (should).
Adjectives: Generally have the (non-obligatory) ending -i. Ex.: micri (small).
Adverbs: Can be formed with -men, which can be omitted if the meaning is clear. Ex.: visibilmen (visibly), regularimen (regularly), bon (good/well).
Present tense: take off the -r. Ex. tu fini (you finish), tu ama (you love), tu deve (you should).
Past tense: Add -t to the present tense. Ex.: tu finit (you finished), il amat (he loved), noi devet (we should have).
English have: past tense + the auxiliary verb har. Ex.: tu ha finit (you have finished), noi ha videt (we have seen).
Future: auxiliary va + infinitive. Ex.: tu va finir (you will finish), yo va prender (I will take).
English would: vell + infinitive. Ex. tu vell finir (you would finish), yo vell prender (I would take).
Imperative: same as present tense. To be more polite, use ples + the infinitive. Ex.: Ples finir (please finish)! Fini (Finish up)!
English -ing: -nt. Ex.: un die fatigant (a tiring day). -nt makes it an adjective.
Past participle: -t, same as past tense. Ex.: un labor finit (a task finished), un interessantmen scrit libre (an interestingly written book).
Other English -ing: -nte. Ex.: scriente mi lettre, yo pensat... (writing my letter, I thought...) -nte makes it an adverb.
Definite article: li.
Personal pronouns: Yo (I), tu (you), il (he), ella (she), it (it), noi (we), vu (you - plural and polite), ili (they).
De Wahl's Rule - used to create internationally recognized verbs from nouns such as those ending in -or and -ion.
-ar and -ir verbs: Remove the -r and add a -t. Ex.: scrir (to write) → scritor (writer), programmar (to program) → programmator (programmer)
Verbs in -er: remove the -er. Then:
1) If what is left ends in a vowel (leer → le): add a -t. Leer (to read) → letor (reader).
2) If what is left ends in r or d, change it to s. Ex. Adherer (to adhere) → adhes → adhesion. Exploder (to explode) → explos → explosion.
3) If what is left ends in another consonant, just stick the ending on. Ex. Inducter (to induct) → induct → induction.
Why a Wikipedia in a constructed language (and not even the largest one)?
[redacter fonte]Interlingue, or Occidental as it was originally called, can be largely understood by speakers of any romance language and by many with a background in other languages or large English vocabulary. On top of this it is very easy to learn, so a Wikipedia in this language makes sense.
What is Interlingue (Occidental)?
[redacter fonte]Interlingue is a constructed language. Interlingue was published under the name Occidental after 30 years of work by the Baltic German scientist Edgar de Wahl in the year 1922. De Wahl was a former early follower of Esperanto, and Volapük before that. After several years of work on trying to solve the problem of an ideal international auxililary language, he created Occidental. After the Second World War it was renamed Interlingue.
He created a language which is really international. It is immediately understandable, flexible and expressive. The grammar of Interlingue is very simple and minimalistic. Interlingue is therefore naturalistic at the same time as it is regular, and in that way it is a unique constructed language.
Interlingue (Occidental) today
[redacter fonte]Even today Interlingue exists and with the help of the internet it has a renaissance. There is still an international association called Interlingue-Union, the official Interlingue journal Cosmoglotta, an email list, a Facebook group, a Discord server, a regular Skype Chat and numerous websites around the world created by friends of this constructed language.
Please contribute!
[redacter fonte]The Interlingue Wikipedia was created in 2004. Since some sleepy years it is now developing quickly. But much help is needed. You can find resouces here for looking up words of Interlingue. Any help and contribution is welcome! If you are uncertain about the language, please note it in the discussion section of your article.
Mersí and thank you for your interest in the Interlingue Wikipedia! Feel free to post any questions in the discussion sections, or for cross-wiki help, see the embassy!